The Official “Unofficial” Kohberger Timeline

The following timeline is a list of both “official” and “unofficial” events that may be relevant to the arrest and trial of Bryan Kohberger, accused of murdering four college students in their home in Idaho. The victims were Ethan Chapman, Xana Kernodle, Kaylee Goncalves, and Madison Mogan. The “official” timeline consists of things reported by “officials” in the case such as main stream media, local or federal law enforcement, lawyers or anyone acting in an “official” capacity. The “unofficial” timeline contains rumors and potentially related information that has not “officially” been accepted as relevant but may cast doubt upon the “official” story. Unofficial does not necessarily mean unverifiable. It merely means it is not officially part of the narrative. Unofficial entries are listed in yellow font.

SUMMARY OF OUR THEORY: We currently are leaning toward believing Bryan Kohberger was involved in some way with the murders he is accused of and could very well be the killer, BUT we still believe in the concept of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. In addition, we have several unanswered questions that keep us intrigued. Namely, we question whether Bryan act alone or did he have help? We see evidence to suggest others may have been involved. How exactly did the killer do it all in under 16 minutes and how did he get rid of the clothes worn during the act while avoiding leaving anything but a spot of DNA at what must have been a VERY messy crime scene? What blunders did law enforcement make and will it lead to an acquittal? And lastly, what was the motivation? As a Criminal Justice major and PhD candidate, is it possible Bryn Kohberger (if he did it) was simply curious if he could get away with it? Did he know any of the victims? Was it mental illness or possibly the work of a future serial killer? There are LOTS of questions still left unanswered and we are intrigued!


November 21, 1994

  • Bryan Kohberger is born. He has an older sister, Amanda Kohberger.


  • Brent Lee Kopacka is serving in the U.S. Army from 2005 to 2008 and is awarded a purple heart for his service in Afghanistan.


  • Darcie Theresa Nixon (mother of Brent Kopacka), was living in Wiliamsport, PA at least between 2008 to 2010 according to public records searches (SOURCE: Paid public records search)

    • NOTE: Why is this relevant? We aren’t 100% sure but hear us out. Brent Kopacka, son of Darcie Theresa Nixon, will later be shot and killed in Pullman, WA (two miles from where Bryan Kohberger lived at the time of the murders). Brent was shot and killed by Pullman SWAT on December 15, 2022, a month and one day following the murders of the Idaho four. Online speculation has frequently suggested that Brent Kopacka was involved in the murders so we are tracking the connections which are mounting up quickly!

    • NOTE: Bryan Kohberger would be approximately 14 years old in 2008 and 16 years old in 2010.

    • NOTE: Brent Lee Kopacka (born 10-04-86) would be 22 years old around 2008.


  • Darin Dunkin, according to public records lived in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania between 2009-2013


  • Darcie Theresa Nixon (mother of Brent Kopacka), was living at a different address in Wiliamsport, PA at least between February 2010 to November 2011 according to public records searches (SOURCE: Paid public records search)

    • NOTE: Bryan Kohberger would be 16-17 years old at this point in time.


  • Amanda Kohberger, sister of the alleged suspect Bryan Kohberger, appears in a 2011 low-budget horror film titled “Two Days Back”. The horror film is about a group of students who venture into the woods to confront illegal logging activities only to be brutally attacked. In the movie the students are stabbed and hacked to death with knives and hatchets. Amanda played a character named “Lori”. Upon hearing about Bryan Kohberger’s arrest later, the director of the film Kevin Boon expressed shock and is quoted as saying, “You’re fucking kidding me, her brother is that guy? Goddamn, man, holy cow.” The director was working as a professor of English and media studies at Penn State Mont Alto and selected Amanda for the role after an open audition. (SOURCE: NewYorkPost)


  • The book Confession of a Serial Killer: The Untold Story of Dennis Rader, the BTK Killer by Dr. Katherine Ramsland was published in 2016. Dr. Ramsland worked directly with Dennis Rader to write the book, conducting extensive interviews with him to provide a detailed psychological and autobiographical account of his crimes and mindset.


  • We know that Bryan Kohberger attended DeSales University in Pennsylvania, where he earned his bachelor's degree in 2020 and master's degree in June of 2022. We also know that Bryan Kohberger took classes from Dr. Ramsland while doing his undergraduate work. It is likely, therefore, that she taught Kohberger between 2018 and 2022, though the exact years and courses he took with her have not been publicly confirmed

    • NOTE: This is VERY interesting to us because Kohberger would later repeat the exact same scenario Dennis Radar did when he was arraigned for his murders. In addition, someone posing as Pappa Rodger online suggested that the date of the Idaho 4 murders (November 13) was selected for a reason. Some believe Pappa Rodger was Bryan Kohberger himself. November 13 was the date of one of BTK’s early kills.


The murders will take place on November 13th, 2022 at approximately 4:05 am. At the time of the murders, Bryan Kohberger was a Ph.D Student majoring in Criminology at Washington State University in Pullman Washington. One of the lead researchers of Devil’s Advocates also attended WSU in Pullman thus making this case of particular interest.

Records obtained during he investigation into their lead suspect, Bryan Kohberger, indicated that Kohberger's past education included an undergraduate degree in psychology and cloud-based forensics. These records also showed Kohberger wrote an essay when he applied for an internship with the Pullman Police Department in the fall of 2022. Kohberger wrote in his essay that he had interest in assisting rural law enforcement agencies with how to better collect and analyze technological data in public safety operations. Kohberger also posted a Reddit survey which can be found by an open-source internet search. The survey asked for participants to provide information to *understand how emotions and psychological traits influence decision making when committing a crime."

NOTE: This leads us to two major questions/theories. Did Kohberger’s interest in criminal justice lead him to believe that he thought he could get away with murder (i.e. he knows how investigations work and how criminals make mistakes). Does his survey asking how emotions influence decision making when committing a crime indicate that he was “testing himself” to see if he could pull of such a horrendous crime without letting his emotions cause him to make a mistake?

In late 2022, sometime after the murders in November, a Facebook Profile by the name “Pappa Rodger” became active in a Facebook group discussing the murders. “Pappa Rodger” gained notable attention when he or she began posting information about the case that seemed to be ahead of publicly disclosed information and that was surprisingly accurate, leading some to believe that Papa Roger was an insiders of some sorts, a possible co-conspirator, or perhaps even Bryan Kohberger himself posing as an interested researcher. As an example of the type of information Papa Roger provided, he suggested investigators had found a knife sheath at the crime scene when that information had not yet been made available to the public. “Pappa Rodger” was active on Facebook until late December 2022 until his account was removed from the group on December 30, 2022 shortly before Bryan Kohberger’s arrest. This suggested that Pappa Rodger may either be someone in law enforcement, someone with intimate knowledge of the crime, or possibly Bryan Kohberger himself.

One of the interesting posts made by Pappa Rodger in the Facebook group was: “The date of killing was chosen on purpose? Thoughts?” So, what WAS significant about that date?

In addition, a retired FBI agent, Jennifer Cofindaffer, has looked into the possibility that Pappa Rodger may have been Kohberger as well as a redditor known as u/insidelooking. (Source:

Internet sleuths have questioned whether “Pappa Rodger” is named after Elliot Roger, another young twenty-something year old male with dark hair who murdered college students and was painted as a misogynist. Elliot Rodger committed mass murder on May 23, 2014 in Isla Vista, California. he was 22 years old. Rodger killed six people and injured 14 others before taking his own life. His attacks included stabbings, shootings and vehicle attacks. He wrote a “manifesto” titled “My Twisted World” and uploaded videos detailing his plans on social media. Of note he expressed his rejection towards women. He became a sort of hero for the incel community (in-voluntarily celebate) and consists of men “who blame women for their sexual failings.”(Source:

Rodger’s crimes have inspired other mass killings, such as the Toronto murders of Alek Minassian, who cited Elliot Rodger on Facebook before he was accused of killing 10 people, BBC reported. (Source:


  • It is reported that according to court records obtained by Inside Edition that Ann Taylor, then Chief of Kootenai Public Defender’s Office, represented Madison Mogen’s stepmother, Korie Hatrock, on drug charges. Ann Taylor also oversaw a case involving Mogen’s father, Benjamin Moden, in 2020 when he faced two misdemeanor drug charges. In that case he made a plea deal and spend 90 days in prison. (SOURCE: The Independent).

    • NOTE: In December Ann Taylor will become Bryan Kohberger’s attorney which leads to questions of conflict of interest being that she represented family members of one of the victims in the past.


  • According to a NBC Dateline special on Kohberger titled “Killings on King Road”, sometime prior to the murders, Bryan Kohberger allegedly broke into a woman’s apartment at Washington State University. This was supposedly shortly after starting his studies at WSU. The woman noticed that items had been moved in her apartment but that nothing was missing. Since she had befriended Bryan Kohberger, she confided in Kohberger, who offered to install a video security system in her home, which she accepted. Investigators believe that Kohberger used her wifi password and this system to spy on her, accessing the cameras when within close proximity to her apartment. (Source: The Independent)

August 21, 2022

  • Prior to the Murders, Bryan Kohberger was detained as part of a traffic stop that occurred in Moscow, Idaho. Moscow, Idaho is about ten miles away from WSU, Pullman in Washington state and is home to the University of Idaho. College students from WSU Pullman and University of Idaho campuses frequently intermingle thus Kohberger being on the University of Idaho campus is not, in itself, unusual behavior.

    • At the time of the traffic stop in August, Kohberger, who was the sole occupant, was driving a white 2015 Hyundai Elanta with Pennsylvania plate LFZ'8649 which was set to expire on November 30, 2022. This vehicle as well as the changing of license plates from Pennsylvania plates to Washington state plates later on will become a key element in the murder investigation. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)


September 23, 2022

  • Just weeks into a job as a teaching assistant at Washington State University, there was an "altercation" with a professor of some sort possibly regarding his unfairly grading female students papers. (Source: Newsweek)


October 3, 2022

  • Bryan Kohberger and his professor met to discuss "professional behavior”, presumably in relation to an altercation on September 23, 2022. (Source: Newsweek)

October 14, 2022

  • On October 14,2022, Bryan Kohberger was detained again as part of a traffic stop by a WSU Police Officer. Upon review of that body cam and report of the stop, Kohberger was the sole occupant and was driving a white 2015 Hyundai Elantra with Pennsylvania plate LFZ-8649 (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

October 21, 2022

  • Bryan Kohberger’s professor reportedly emailed Kohberger to tell him he had failed to meet the expectations set out in the meeting earlier that month on October 3, 2022. (Source: Newsweek)


November 12, 2022

  • Earlier in the day, Bryan Kohberger met with his professor about unprofessional behavior towards female students and to discuss an "improvement plan" for his behavior. (Source: Newsweek)

  • ~9pm - Two of the murder victims who would die the next day were Ethan Chapin and Xana Kernodle. They were seen by Xana Kernodle’s roommate at approximately 9pm the night before the murders. The roommate who testified to this is simply as B.F. in the original police affidavit. The B.F. and Xana Kernodle lived together at the Sigma Chi house on the University of Idaho campus. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

  • ~10pm Two additional murder victims, Kaylee Goncalves and Madison Mogen were observed at a local bar, the Corner Club at 202 N. Main Street, in Moscow at around 10pm. Goncalves and Mogen can be seen on video footage provided by the Comer Club between 10:00 p.m. on November 12 until about 1:30 a.m. on November 13th. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

November 13, 2022

  • ~1:30 am. Kaylee Goncalves and Madison Mogen can be seen on video at a local food vendor called the "Grub Truck" at 3 1 8 S. Main Street in downtown Moscow. The “Grub Truck” live streams video from their food truck on the streaming platform Twitch which is available for public viewing on their website. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

  • ~1:45am - At approximately 1:45 a.m. Ethan Chapin and Xana Kernodle returned to the King Road Residence home where the homicides would take place after having been out for the evening. Their roommate B.F stated that Ethan Chapin did not actually live in the King Road Residence but was simply a guest of Xana Kernodle. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

  • ~1:56 am - A private unnamed party reported that he provided a ride to Kaylee Goncalvcs and Madison Mogen from downtown Moscow (in front of the Grub Truck) to the King Road Residence. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

  • ~2 am - Two roommates of the victims listed simply as D.M. and B.F. both made statements during interviews that indicated the occupants of the King Road Residence were all at home by 2:00 am. and sleep or at least in their rooms by approximately 4:00 a.m. (source: Statement of Brett Payne).

    • NOTE: I have seen reddit threads online listing “D.M.” as being a female named Dylan Mortensen (Source: reddit)

  • 2:32 am - The suspect in the murder, Bryan Kohberger’s cell phone was currently utilizing cellular resources that provide coverage to 1630 Northeast Valley Road, Apt G201, Pullman, WA. This is believed to be the residence where Bryan Kohberger lived. (source: Statement of Brett Payne).

  • 2:44 am - Video footage obtained by law enforcement indicates that approximately 2:44 a.m. on November 13,2022, a white sedan, which was consistent with the description of the White Elantra known as “Suspect Vehicle 1”, was observed on WSU surveillance cameras travelling north on southeast Nevada Street at northeast Stadium Way.

  • 2:47 am - Bryan Kohberger’s cell phone again utilized cellular resources that provide coverage southeast of the Kohberger Residence consistent with the phone leaving the Kohberger Residence and traveling south through Pullman, WA. This is consistent with the movement of the white Elantra. At approximately 2:47 a.m. Bryan’s phone stops reporting to the network, which is consistent with either the phone being in an area without cellular coverage, the connection to the network is disabled (such as putting the phone in airplane mode), or that the phone is turned off. The phone does not report to the network again until approximately 4:48 a.m. at which time it utilized cellular resources that provide coverage to ID state highway 95 south of Moscow, ID near Blaine, ID (north of Genesee). (source: Statement of Brett Payne).

    • NOTE: Implied, of course, is that Bryan Kohberger turned off his phone so he could not be traced leaving Pullman and going to commit the murders.

  • ~2:53 am - A white sedan, which is consistent with the description of the White Elantra known as “Suspect Vehicle 1”, was observed traveling southeast on Nevada Street in Pullman, WA towards SR 270. SR 270 connects Pullman, Washington to Moscow, Idaho. This camera footage from Pullman, WA was provided to an FBI forensic Examiner. The Forensic Examiner identified the vehicle observed in Pullman, WA as being a 2014-2016 Hyundai Elantra.

  • ~3:26 am - Camera footage was obtained showing the white sedan known as “Suspect Vehicle 1". The vehicle was observed traveling westbound in the 700 block of Indian Hills Drive in Moscow and westbound on Styner Avenue at Idaho State Highway 95 in Moscow at approximately 3:28 a.m. On this video, it appeared “Suspect Vehicle 1” was not displaying a front license plate. (source: Statement of Brett Payne).

  • ~3:29 am - Multiple videos obtained from the King Road Neighborhood showed multiple sightings of “Suspect Vehicle 1” starting at 3:29 a.m. and ending at 4:20 a.m. The murders take place during this window. These sightings show “Suspect Vehicle 1” makes three passes by the 1122 King Road residence where the murders will take place and then leaves via Walenta Drive. Upon review of the video there are only a few cars that enter and exit this area during this time frame (source: Statement of Brett Payne).

  • ~4am - Xana Kenrodle received a DoorDash order at the residence at approximately 4:00 am (law enforcement identified the DoorDash delivery driver who reported this information). (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • QUESTION: This is one of our big questions. How were persons up and awake in the home so close to the time of the murders (within five minutes) and yet not hear or see more than they reported to law enforcement? This also suggests that Xana was awake at the time of her murder and not sleeping which leads to questions about how the killer killed her so quickly if she was awake and saw him coming? Was the DoorDash delivery person ruled out as a suspect and one what basis?

  • ~4am - Roomate D.M. stated she originally went to sleep in her bedroom on the southeast side of the second floor. D.M. stated she was awoken at approximately 4:00 a.m. by what she stated sounded like Kaylee Goncalves playing with her dog in one of the upstairs bedrooms, which were located on the third floor. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • NOTE: This now suggests that at least TWO of the victims were awake at the time of the murders leading to questions about how the killer managed to kill them without sounding an alarm.

  • 4:04am - “Suspect Vehicle 1” can be seen entering the area a fourth time a approximately 4:04 a.m. It can be seen driving eastbound on King Road, stopping and turning around in front of 500 Queen Road #52 and then driving back westbound on King Road. When “Suspect Vehicle 1” is in front of the King Road Residence, it appeared to unsuccessfully attempt to park or tum around in the road. The vehicle then continued to the intersection of Queen Road and King Road where it can be seen completing a three-point tum and then driving eastbound again down Queen Road. (source: Statement of Brett Payne).

  • ~4:12am - A short time later, the roommate known as D.M. said she heard who she thought was Goncalves say something to the effect of "there’s someone here." A review of records obtained from a forensic download off Kernodle's phone showed this could also have been Kernodle as her cellular phone indicated she was likely awake and using the TikTok app at approximately 4:12 a.m (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • D.M. stated she looked out of her bedroom but did not see anything when she heard the comment about someone being in the house. D,M. stated she opened her door a second time when she heard what she thought was crying coming from Kernodle's room. D.M. then said she heard a male voice say something to the effect of "it's ok, I'm going to help you." (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • NOTE: This now makes THREE individuals awake at the time of the murders. Two victims and a roommate who survives. It leads to a lot of questions how such a brutal murder took place in a house with multiple people awake and yet not have much more that was seen and heard.

  • ~4:17am - A security camera located at 1112 King Road, a residence immediately to the northwest of 1122 King Road, picked up distorted audio of what sounded like voices or a whimper followed by a loud thud. A dog can also be heard barking numerous times starting at 4:17 a.m. The security camera is less than fifty feet from the west wall of Kernodle's bedroom. (source: Statement of Brett Payne).

    • NOTE The dog barking has also been a bit of a mystery. The murders and bodies were not discovered for quite some time after the murder and yet a dog was barking and at least one roommate was awake in the house and saw the killer. The time gap between when the roommate will see the killer and when the murders are reported/discovered has been a big mystery for me. The murders were not reported until noon that day which is over seven hours after the murders took place. Why did so much time pass before anyone noticed or said anything?

  • ~4:17 am - Roomate D.M. stated she opened her door for the third time after she heard the crying and saw a figure clad in black clothing and a mask that covered the person's mouth and nose walking towards her. D.M. described the figure as 5' I 0" or taller, male, not very muscular, but athletically built with bushy eyebrows. The male walked past D.M. as she stood in a "frozen shock phase." The male walked towards the back sliding glass door. D.M. locked herself in her room after seeing the male. D.M. did not state that she recognized the male. This leads investigators to believe that the murderer then left the scene. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • NOTE: previous statements by law enforcement say the suspect vehicle was seen parking at 4:03 am and last seen at 4:20am which means the murders, if conducted by the driver of this vehicle, had to be done between 4:04:am and 4:20 am (approximately 16 minutes) unless there was an accomplice driving the vehicle. This means the suspect exited the car, entered the residence, murdered two people on the second floor and then murdered two additional persons on the third floor and left the residence in less than 16 minutes.

  • 4:19 to 4:21 am - D.M. begins calling housemates from inside the house. She attempts to call B.F., Kaylee, Xana, and Madison. All calls go unanswered. B.F. is alive but did not answer. The others are presumed dead.

  • 4:20 am - “Suspect Vehicle 1” is next seen departing the area of the King Road Residence at approximately 4:20 a.m. at a high rate of speed. “Suspect Vehicle 1” is next observed traveling southbound on Walenta Drive (source: Statement of Brett Payne).

    • “Suspect Vehicle 1” likely exited the neighborhood at Palouse River Drive and Conestoga Drive. Palouse River Drive is at the Southam edge of Moscow and proceeds into Whitrnan County, Washington. Eventually the road leads to Pullman Washington. Pullman Washington is approximately 10 miles from Moscow, Idaho. Both Pullman and Moscow are small college towns and people commonly travel back and forth between them (source: Statement of Brett Payne).

    • After reviewing the numerous observations of “Suspect Vehicle 1”, a forensic examiner initially believed that “Suspect Vehicle 1” was 2011-2013 Hyundai Elantra. Upon further review, he indicated it could also be a 2011-2016 Hyundai Elantra. As a result, investigators have been reviewing information on persons in possession of a vehicle that is a 2011-2016 white Hyundai Elantra. (source: Statement of Brett Payne).

  • The combination of the roommate D.M.'s statements to law enforcement as well as reviews of forensic documents of records from B.F. and D.M.'s phone, and video of suspect video lead investigators to believe the homicides occurred between 4:a.m. and 4:25 am (source: Statement of Brett Payne).

    • Note, the ACTUAL time appears to have been even less, between 4:04 and 4:20, this 16 minutes.

  • 4:22 to 4:24 am - Text messages between D.M. and B.F, both in the house, indicate that they are awake, that Dylan saw the suspect, and that the suspect has left the house.

  • 4:24 am - D.M. calls Ethan Chapin (also assumed deceased)

  • 4:24 am - D.M texting BF saying she’s scared. B.F. responding that it’s better than being alone. I presume they are not in the same room but perhaps texting to keep silent

  • 4:27 am - D.M. calls Kaylee Goncalves, no answer

  • 4:28 am - D.M. calls Xana Kernodle, no answer

  • 4:32 am - D.M. texts Kayle Goncalves asking her to please answer.

  • ~4:50 a.m. and 5:26 a.m., Bryan Kohberger’s phone utilizes cellular resources that are consistent with the his phone traveling south on ID state highway 95 to Genesee, ID, then traveling west towards Uniontown, ID, and then north back into Pullman, WA.

  • ~5:25 am - A white sedan, which was consistent with the description of Suspect Vehicle l, was observed on five cameras in Pullman, WA and on WSU Campus cameras. The first camera that recorded the white sedan was located at 1300 Johnson Road in Pullman. The white sedan was observed traveling northbound on Johnson Road. Johnson Road looks directly back to West Palouse River Drive in Moscow which intersects with Conestoga Drive. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

  • ~5:27 am - The white sedan was then observed turning north on Bishop Boulevard and northwest on SR 270. The White Elantra was observed on cameras traveling northbound on Stadium Way at Nevada Street, Stadium Way at Grimes Way, Stadium Drive at Wilson Road, and Stadium Way at Cougar Way. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

  • ~5:30 a.m., Kohberger’s phone is utilizing resources that provide coverage to Pullman, WA and consistent with the phone traveling back to the Kohberger Residence. The phone's movements are consistent with the movements of the white Elantra observed traveling north on Stadium Drive at approximately 5:27 a.m. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

  • ~9am - Bryan Kohberger’s phone utilized cellular resources that are consistent with his phone leaving the area of the Kohberger Residence at approximately 9:00 a.m. and traveling to Moscow, ID. Specifically, (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

  • ~9:12am - Kohberger’s phone utilized cellular resources that would provide coverage to the King Road Residence between 9: 12 a,m. and 9:21 am. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

  • ~9:32am - Kohberger’s Phone utilized cellular resources that are consistent with the his phone traveling back to the area of the Kohberger Residence and arriving to the area at approximately 9:32 a.m (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

  • 10:23 am - D.M. texts Kayle Goncalves and Maddison Mogen asking if they are up

  • 11:39 am - D.M texts her father

  • 11:50 am - someone referred to as “J” texts DM saying “bro”

  • 11:50:58 am - D.M. Calls someone identified as E.A.

  • 11:51 am - D.M. received a text from J.

  • ~12:00pm The University of Idaho murders were first discovered around noon when a 911 call was made reporting an unconscious person at an off-campus home in Moscow, Idaho. When police arrived at the scene, they discovered the bodies of four University of Idaho students—Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Xana Kernodle, and Ethan Chapin—who had been stabbed to death in the early morning hours. (source: ChatGPT)

    • NOTE: This part has bothered me immensely. A roommate was awake and saw the suspected killer at 4 something in the morning, heard various things including crying, and yet nothing is reported to the police for ever 7 hours and when it is reported, it’s about an unconscious person???

  • ~ 12:36pm Kohberger’s phone utilized cellular resources that would provide coverage to Kate's Cup of Joe coffee stand located at 8 l0 L6 Port Drive, Clarkston, WA. Surveillence footage from the US Chefs Store located at t20 Port Drive, Clarkson, WA and adjacent to Kate's Cup of Joe showed a white Elantra, consistent with Suspect Vehicle l, drive past Kate's Cup of Joe at a time consistent with the cellular data from Bryan’s pone.

    • NOTE: In order to get to Clarkston, WA you must drive through Lewiston, ID. Lewiston, ID is where Brent Kopacka’s mother and brother Zackery Kopacka both lived at the time of the murders. There is a possible connection between Brent Kopacka and the Idaho 4 murders thus a strange trip through Lewiston Idaho where Brent’s family lives is of tremendous curiosity to us. There is no known reason why Kohberger traveled to Clarkston, WA the day of the murders (passing through Lewiston, ID twice) on his way to Clarkston and back to Pullman. What was he doing there?

  • ~12:46pm - Kohberger’s phone utilizes cellular data in the area of tbe Albertson’s grocery store at 400 Bridge streett in Clarkston, Washington. Surveillance footage obtained from the Alberton’s showed Kohberger in a white Elantra, consistent with Suspect Vchicle l, at approximately 12:49 p.m.

  • ~1:04pm Surveillance cameras capture Kohberger walking through the Albertson’s store and purchasing unknown items and leaving the store at 1:04pm.

  • ~4pm. Corporal Brett Payne of the Mosco Police Department arrives on scene at 1122 King Road, Moscow, Idaho to help secure the scene of a four person homicide.

    • At this point the Idaho State Police (lSP) Forensic Team was on scene and was ' preparing to begin processing the scene’ (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • On the second floor, west bedroom was Xana Kernodle's room. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • Just before Kernodle’s room there was a bathroom door on the south wall of the hallway where Xana Kemodle was found laying on the floor. Kernodle was deceased with wounds which appeared to have been caused by an edged weapon (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • Also “in the room” was a male, later identified as Ethan Chapin. Chapin was also deceased with wounds later determined to be caused by "sharp-force injuries." (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • On the third floor there were two additional bedrooms and a bathroom. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • The bedroom on the west side of the floor on the third floor was later determined to be Kaylee Goncalves room. There was a dog in the room when Moscow Police Officers initially responded. The dog belonged to Goncalves and her ex-boyfriend Jack Duooeur. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • There was also a small bathroom on the east side of the third floor. This bathroom shared a wall with Madison Mogen. Madison’s bedroom was situated on the southeast comer of the third floor.(source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • Both Kaylee Goncalves and Madison Mogen were deceased in the same bed with visible stab wounds. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • Officer Payne later noticed what appeared to be a tan leather knife sheath laying on the bed next to Mogen's right side (when viewed from the door). The sheath was later processed and had "Ka-Bar" 'USMC" and the Unitd State’s Marine Corps eagle globe and anchor insignia stamped on the outside of it. The Idaho state lab later located a single source of male DNA (suspect Profile) left on the button snap of the knife sheath.(source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • Interviews were conducted including two interviews with an individual known as B.F., and D.M. Both B.F. and D.M. were inside the King Road Residence at the time of the homicides and were roommates to the victims. B.F.'s bedroom was located on the east side of the first floor of the King Road Residence, (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

  • ~5:32 pm Additional analysis of records for Kohberger’s phone indicated that between approximately 5:32 p.m. and 5:36 p.m., the phone utilized cellular resources that provide coverage to Johnson, ID. The phone then stops reporting to the network from approximately 5:36 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. That is consistent with the phone being in the area that the phone would have traveled in the hours immediately following the suspected time the homicides occurred.

November 18, 2022

  • On November 18,2022, according to WA state licensing, Kohberger registered the 2015 white Elantra with Washington state and later received a Washington state plate number CFB-8708. Prior to this time, the 2015 white Elantra was registered in Pennsylvania, which does not require a front license plate to be displayed

November 25, 2022

  • Moscow Police Department asked area law enforcement agencies to be on the lookout for white Hyundai Elantras in the area. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

November 29, 2022

  • ~12:28 a.m. Washington Sate University (WSU) Police Officer Daniel Tiengo, querried a white Elantra registered at WSU. As a result of that querry he locsted a 2015 white Elantra with a Pennsylvania license plate LFZ-8649. The vehicle was registerd to Bryan Kohberger residing at 1630 NE Valley Road. Appartment 201, Pullman, Washington. 1630 NE Vallcy Road is approximately three quarters of a mile from the intersection of Studio Way and Cougar Way (last camera location that picked up the white Elantra)' (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

  • ~12:58 am. WSU Officer Curtis Whitnan was looking for a white Hundai Elantra and located a 2015 white Hyundai Elantra at 1530 NE Valley Road in Pullman in the parking lot of 1630 NE Valley Road, an apartment complex that houses WSU students. Officer Whitnan also ran the car and it returned to Kohberger with a Washington tag. Kohberger's WA state driver license information and photograph indicated that Kohberger is a white male with a height of 6' and weighs 185 pounds. Additionally, the photograph of Kohberger shows that he has bushy eyebrows. Kohberger's physical description is consistent with the description of the male D.M. saw inside the King Road Residence on November 13th. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

November 30, 2022

  • A Facebook user account by the name of Pappa Rodger wrote on a Facebook group regarding the Idaho murders, “Of the evidence released, the murder weapon has been consistent as a large fixed blade knife. This leads me to believe they found the sheath. This evidence was released prior to autopsies.” Later it was announced according to a police affidavit that authorities had found a tan leather sheath beside the bed indicating it belonged toa fixed bladed knife. This information was not known to the public at the time Pappa Rodger made the statement. (Source:

Date Unknown

  • During the processing of the crime scene, investigators found a latent shoe print. This was located during the SECOND processing of the crime scene by the ISP Forensic Team by first using a presumptive blood test and then Amino Black a protein stain that detects the presence of cellular material. The detected shoe print showed a diamond-shaped pattern (similar to the pattern of a Vans type shoe sole) just outside the door of D.M.'s bedroom (located on second floor ). This is consistent with D.M.'s satement regarding the suspect's path of travel. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • NOTE: Still looking for the date of the second processing of the scene.


If memory serves correctly, Bryan Kohberger’s family lived in Albrightsville, Pennsylvania and his father flew out to Washington state to meet up with his son and drive back to Albrightsville, Pennsylvania with his son for the holidays. Bryan Kohberger was continuing to attend classes at WSU after the murders and before the road trip back to the family residence for the holidays. On the road trip back to Albrightsville, Pennyslvania, Kohberger and his father were stopped in at least two traffic stops, once for speeding and once for following too close. The second stop was caught on body camera as lined below. (SOURCE: The Independent)

December 7, 2022

  • Bryan Kohberger and his professor meet to discuss how his performance improvement plan was going in relation to unprofessional conduct towards women. (Source: Newsweek)

December 9, 2022

  • Bryan Kohberger reportedly had a second altercation with his professor. His post as a teaching assistant would be officially terminated 10 days later. (Source: Newsweek)

December 13, 2022

  • Sometime around the 13th, Bryan Kohberger and his father begin traveling from Pullman, WA to the Kohberger residence in Albrightsville, Pennsylvania. The total trip would be 2,500 miles.

  • Investigators believe that Kohberger is driving the 2015 white Elantra because his vehicle was captured on December 13, 2022 by a license plate reader in Loma, Colorado. This is 926 miles from Pullman, WA and about 14.5 hours drive estimate. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

December 14, 2022

  • In a Facebook post on December 14, a mysterious figure known as Pappa Rodger wrote, “Not a new post from me but still very relevant. How long was the killer in the house?” He then responded to a comment writer, “15 minutes,”. Once again this suggest Pappa Rodger, whomever he is, is intimately familiar with the case and the timing of events. (Source:

    • Pappa Rodger also appeared to have knowledge of the home’s design, writing at one point (date uncertain) “That isn’t a bedroom light” in the comment thread of a post on the Idaho murders. He also made comments like, “The killer is not in the victims immediate circle” and “the killer is not a student. Thoughts?”

  • At 8:37 pm, possibly unrelated, Pullman Police officers are called to the scene of a “weapons offense” at the 1000 block of SE Latah Street in Pullman. The address, we believe, was apartment 311A in the Coffee House Apartments which is just 1.5 miles from where Bryan Kohberger is living. Pullman law enforcement then starts to engage in what would become an eight hour standoff with an individual known as Brent Kopacka, an Army Veteran allegedly suffering from PTSD who had a gun.

    • It appears that Brent Kopacka had gotten into some sort of argument with his roommates and had possibly pulled a gun and threatened to kill them. His roommates exited the apartment leaving Brent in a stand-off with police that ended in the early morning hours the next day. (SOURCE: The Daily Evergreen)

December 15, 2022

  • 3:02 AM - Students of WSU were sent an alert which stated that “SWAT is actively working on the south side of campus. Shelter in place until further notice.”

    • Around an hour later another alert was sent out stating “Pullman PD have resolved the situation adjacent to the WSU Pullman campus and have declared ALL CLEAR. Resuming normal campus operations.”

  • 4:22 AM. After 7-8 hours of negotiations between law enforcement and Brent Kopacka. Brent is alleged to have started firing his gun when police responded and shot and killed Brent Kopacka in return. Brent is shot and killed by by Police Sgt Brett Boyd. He was 36 years old.

    • NOTE: Over five hours of audio from police dispatch the night of the standoff have been released online though no one seems to confirm the source. Portions of that audio have been edited out leading us to ask why?? What was in the edited portions of that audio and what didn’t someone want us to hear???

    • NOTE: Early reports about Brent Kopacka claimed that he worked for the IT Department of the University of Idaho. This information however was quickly amended and it was reported that he worked as a security guard for WSU. (SOURCE:

    • NOTE: Brent Kopacka’s reported best friend, Darin Dunkin, revealed shocking information and a shocking theory during an online interview about the night of the shooting of his friend Brent Kopacka. Darin revealed that when Brent Kopacka’s family went to their son’s room after the shooting, his room was empty and his cell phone was on the kitchen counter and had been factory reset. His room only contained some broken electronics, a broken safe and some release forms from when he was in the Army. Darin said there was no bed, no dresser, no furniture, etc. So who cleaned out his room and factory reset his phone? What were they trying to hide? Darin then speculates that the police may have thought Brent was involved in the Idaho murders that had taken place last month just twenty minutes away in Moscow, Idaho and thus were over-zelous and made a mistake when they shot and killed him. In a panic, perhaps, they cleaned up the scene and wiped his phone to cover any possible evidence of their mistake. The place where Darin tells us about the factory reset of the phone and missing furniture is in this intereview linked here starting at 31:38 till about 34:08.

Kohberger's Elanta was queried on December 15,2022 by law enforcement in Hancock County, Indiana. Bryan Kohberger was driving and his father was in the passengers seat. Bryan Kohberger was pulled over twice within ten minutes on Interstate 70, east of Indianapolis, for following too close behind another vehicle. (source: Statement of Brett Payne, YouTube)

  • During this stop, recorded on the officer’s body camera, Kohberger and his father mention a shooting at WSU earlier that morning. It is believed this was the shooting of Brent Kopacka who was shot and killed by SWAT in Pullman, WA at 4:22 am on the 15th.

    • NOTE: It is possible that, as a student of WSU, Bryan Kohberger would have received the text alerts about the stand off and shooting of Brent Kopacka via text message. However, according to the reported messages sent out to students, the alerts said nothing specifically about a shooting. How did Kohberger know there was a shooting?

  • NOTE: This, I believe, is when Kohberger and his father were stopped for a traffic violation and the incident I believe was caught on camera. During the stop Kohberger announces that they were recently stopped by another trooper in an SUV. The officer in this video decides not to give them a citation since they have already been stopped once. During the stop, Bryan’s father mentions a mass shooting at the school where his son attends (WSU).

December 16, 2022

  • ~2:26 p.m., surveillance video showed Kohberger's Elantra in Albrightsville, Pennsylvania at his family’s home. The sole occupant of the vehicle was a white male whose description was consistent with Kohberger. Kohberger has family in Albrightsville, Pennsylvania (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

  • Two separate witnesses recall seeing Bryan and his father at an auto repair shop in Pennsylvania where they dropped the car off to get serviced. (SOURCE: The Independent)

December 17, 2022

  • Bryan Kohberger and his father arrive at the family Kohberger home in Pennsylvania. (Source: The Independent)

  • According to one report, the two arrived at their home in the Pocono Mountains “around December 17th” (SOURCE: The Independent)

December 19, 2022

  • Washington State University allegedly is terminated from his teaching assistant job at WSU after an investigation into several warnings he had received from the university in the months before his arrest. A letter was allegedly given to Kohberger before he was terminated stating that he had a "sexist attitude" towards women he interacted with at the university, was "rude" to women and graded them differently to men. (Source: Newsweek)

    • NOTE: This will likely be a primary “motive” for the killings, that Bryan targeted women because he is a misogynist who dislikes women in general.

December 23, 2022

  • A search warrant was obtained to search the phone records of Kohberger’s phone prior to the murders. Cellular resources that provide coverage to the area of I 122 King Road were utilized on at least twelve occasions prior to November 13,2022. All of these occasions, except for one, occurred in the late evening and early morning hours. (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • NOTE: The obvious implication is that Bryan Kohberger was staking out the residence prior to the murders and observing what the area looked like in the late evening and early morning hours.

December 27, 2022

  • Pennsylvania Agents recovered trash from the Kohberger family residence located in Albrightsville, PA. That evidence was sent to the Idaho State Lab for testing (source: Statement of Brett Payne)

    • NOTE: I’m still updating the timeline but if memory serves, Bryan Kohberger was seen on camera cleaning his car with rubber gloves on and disposed of the gloves in a neighbors garbage can. The Feds came in and obtained the neighbor’s garbage to test for DNA. What resulted is that the DNA matched what would be the “biological” father of whomever left the blood spot DNA at the crime scene in Idaho thus leading investigators to conclude Bryan Kohberger was in fact the killer.

December 28, 2022

  • The Idaho State Lab reported that a DNA profile obtained from the trash and the DNA profile obtained from the sheath, identified a male as “not being excluded” as the biological father of Suspect Profile. At least 99.9998% of the male population would be expected to be excluded from the possibility of being the suspect's biological father.

December 30, 2022

  • Bryan Kohberger, a 28-year-old criminology PhD student at Washington State University, was arrested at his parents' home in Pennsylvania. He was charged with four counts of first-degree murder and one count of felony burglary.


In January 2023, Latah County Magistrate Judge Megan Marshall issued a sweeping gag order in the Bryan Kohberger case. This order prohibited attorneys, law enforcement agencies, and others associated with the case from making public statements that could potentially prejudice the trial. The intent was to limit pretrial publicity and protect Kohberger's right to a fair trial.


January 4, 2023

  • Kohberger was extradited to Idaho and booked into the Latah County Jail in Moscow.

January 5, 2023

  • Attorney Anne Taylor, chief of the Kootenai County Public Defender’s Office, withdraws from representing one of the parents of the victims in an unrelated case the same day that Bryan Kohberger made his first court appearance in Moscow, Idaho. Anne Taylor would then become Bryan Kohberger’s first attorney in this case. (Source: NewsNation) In fact, Ann Taylor had represented the family of not just one but TWO victims in the case prior to the murders. (Source: Independent via Yahoo News)

    • Since Ann Taylor took over the public defender’s office in 2017, her office has defended Cara Kernodle, mother of Xana Kernodle, in four cases, the Idaho Statesman reported. (Source: NewsNation, InsideEdition). In the most recent case, drug charges were filed against Cara Kernodle on Nov. 19, six days after her daughter and three others were found dead inside an off-campus rental home. (Source: NewsNation).

    • It was also revealed that public defender Anne Taylor previously represented the father and stepmother of Madison Mogen (victim in the Idaho slaying) in now closed criminal cases, according to court records seen by Inside Edition Digital. (Source: Independent via Yahoo News)

    • Legal experts say the new detail presents questions about conflicts of interest in the high-profile case.

      “This is something in 28 years in federal law enforcement I’ve never seen,” said Jennifer Coffindaffer, a former FBI agent. “When a public defender has a conflict, they do not accept the next case that is the conflicted case. You would never get rid of the defendant that you had been representing for a great period of time on four different cases to take over another case.” (Source: NewsNation)

    • According to a high profile criminal defense attorney, Mark Geragos, “The judge and or the prosecutor, I think, in an abundance of caution are going to say, ‘We need a hearing on this, because if there is a conviction, the first thing that’s going to happen is there’s going to be a motion to vacate the sentence for ineffective assistance of counsel.”

    • NOTE: This is huge! The trial hasn’t even officially begun and there is already reason to suggest that there will be a motion to vacate if there is an conviction based solely on this representation by Ann Taylor and the potential conflict of interest.


June 9, 2023

  • District Judge John C. Judge reviewed the existing gag order and, while maintaining its necessity, narrowed its scope. The revised order specifically prohibited attorneys directly involved in the case, as well as attorneys representing witnesses, victims, or their families, from making extrajudicial statements that could materially prejudice the proceedings. This adjustment aimed to balance the defendant's right to a fair trial with the public's right to information.

    • Judge John Judge noted that the original gag order, which also barred law enforcement officers and others tangentially related to the case from speaking to the press, was "arguably overbroad and vague in some areas."

June 26, 2023

  • Prosecutors announced their intent to seek the death penalty, citing the alleged aggravating circumstances of the first-degree murder charges.


May 12, 2023

ABCNews now reports that the Goncalves family have not been able to establish any connection between their daughter and Kohberger. (SOURCE: ABCNews) This however is contradictory to report in the Independent that says Steve Goncalves DID indicate to ABCNews earlier that he HAD found evidence his daughter knew Kohberger but that he was not ready to reveal what the potential ties were. (Source: The Independent)

May 17, 2023

  • A grand jury indicted Kohberger on four charges of first degree murder and a charge of burlgary, leading to the cancellation of a preliminary probable cause hearing that was scheduled for June 26.

May 22, 2023

  • During his arraignment, Kohberger stood silent when asked to enter a plea, prompting the judge to enter a not-guilty plea on his behalf.

    • NOTE: What is interesting of note is that Bryan Kohberger answered a lot of questions asked of him during the arraignment and seemed alert and cooperative. At the point that they asked him how did he plea, his attorney Ann Taylor said that “they would be standing silent”. Therefore, the judge entered a plea of not guilty on Kohberger’s behalf. The silence as to the plea therefore seems particularly interesting. Why did Kohberger and his attorney “stand silent” as to the plea? What does that signal or suggest? We are still trying to answer that one.

    • NOTE: It is also interesting perhaps that the serial killer Dennis Rader (known as BTK Killer) also responded in nearly the EXACT same way at his arraignment by answering many questions of the judge including whether or not he understood the charged against him but then choosing to “stand silent” rather than enter a plea. This is exactly how it happened in Bryan Kohberger’s arraignment. In that case however, when the death penalty was put on the table, BTK agreed to confess to everything in detail in exchange for taking the death penalty off the table. Will a similar thing happen here?


December 28, 2023

  • The 1122 King Road residence in Moscow, ID where the murders took place was demolished despite protests from some of the victims families who feared the destruction of the crime scene could be destroying potential key evidence. It should be noted that both the families of Kaylee Goncalves and Xana Kernodle protested the demolition of the home and listed eight reasons they say the house could still hold evidentiary value. Of some of those reasons listed they suggested biological evidence could still be gathered from the entry and exit points of the home. As further evidence that the crime scene still had value, both the prosecution and defense had recently visited the home again before it was torn down. The University of Idaho argued the destruction of the home was necessary for the community to heal. Moscow police chief James Fry was present during the demolishing of the home. The home was demolished during winter break on campus and began in the early morning before the sun came up. It should also be noted that one victims family (Ethan Chapin) was in favor of tearing down the home. (SOURCE: ABCNews, CBSNEWS)

    • NOTE: It bugs me why the police chief would be present during the destruction of the home. Some have speculated that law enforcement was involved in some way in covering up what really happened that night and the police being present during the destruction of key evidence then looks highly suspicious. In addition, the timing of the destruction of the home during winter break when many students would be gone and before the sun came up suggests that they knew people might object to the destruction of the home and wanted to get it done before people figured out what they intended to do and tried to stop it.



September 9, 2024

  • A judge granted a change of venue for the trial, moving it from Latah County to Boise, Idaho, due to concerns about ensuring a fair trial.


October 9, 2024

  • Judge Steven Hippler scheduled the trial to begin on August 11, 2025, with jury selection starting on July 30, 2025. The trial is expected to last through November 7, 2025, encompassing two phases: one to determine guilt or innocence, and, if necessary, a second phase to decide on the imposition of the death penalty.


January 23, 2024

  • Kohberger’s attorney Ann Taylor revealed that there was blood found at the crime scene from TWO unidentified males. The blood was found on a handrail leading up to the second floor and also inside of a glove found outside the front of the house. After two and a half years the prosecution has still not been able to identify the blood. The judge in the case even questioned whether this suggests that there were other accomplices that could have been working with Kohberger. (Source: FOX News)

    • NOTE: THIS IS HUGE. It should be noted that the DNA found on the knife sheath at the scene is simply “touch DNA” which indicates that Kohberger only had to have touched it at some point. The additional evidence of two possible additional persons at the scene suggests one of those persons could have placed the sheath to be found with Kohberger’s “touch DNA”

  • The eyewitness (Dylan) who identified the killer looking at her as he came down the stairs that night has changed her story many times now, once saying she may have dreamt the entire thing and another that she may have been too drunk and not remembering it correctly. It was also revealed that Kohberger’s photo was shown to her during the investigation and she could not identify him as the killer.

    • NOTE: THIS IS HUGE. The testimony of this witness is very likely to be tossed out or never be presented in court. Her credibility is already shot based on her admitting she may have just dreamt the entire thing. The prosecutions case is literally falling apart and Main Stream Media is referring to it as a hail mary.

  • Ann Taylor, Kohberger’s attorney, also argued that at some point that the FBI uploaded the suspect DNA from the knife sheath at the crime scene to two ancestry websites that prohibit law enforcement from accessing their databases. This causes the evidence to fall under the “fruit of the poisonous" tree” concept which says that evidence obtained through illegal means cannot be sued in a court of law.

  • A redacted copy of the transcript of this hearing has been made publicly available (

January 31, 2024

  • District Judge Steven Hippler finds “no compelling basis” to keep the January 15th protective order sealed as to Kohberger’s mental health records. Judge Hippler has been acused of sealing “far too many documents” in this case and this reversal was a bit of a surprise. (Source: Newsweek)

As of January 2025, pretrial proceedings continue, with recent hearings focusing on the admissibility of genetic evidence and the validity of search warrants. Kohberger remains in custody, awaiting trial.